JUF Right Start
JUF Right Start was created to increase awareness and access to Jewish early childhood programs for Chicago-area families. Gift Vouchers from $500 to $2,000 are provided to families sending their children to a Jewish early childhood program for the first time.
This program is funded and administered by the Jewish United Fund.
Camp Scholarship available for 2024-2025!
Full-day ’24/’25 Early Childhood students who are age-eligible for camp and choose to spend their summers with Apachi will receive FREE day camp for summer 2024; (must be year-round 2024/25 students who attend 5 days a week.) Full-day students who attend 3 days a week and half-day students are eligible for 20% off the camp fee on their final payment.The new Camp Scholarship is intended to bring the joys of Apachi to our littlest learners while providing significant financial relief for families against the costs of full day Early Childhood. Sign up for the Early Childhood + Camp combo!